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What's Going on at St. Dunstan's

This Week

August 18–24 2024

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Art to Lift Spirits: Modern Icons of the Good News

Sunday, August 18, 2024
St Dunstan's Episcopal Church - in the Nave

Holy Eucharist and Children's Chapel

Sunday, August 18, 2024
10:30 am11:30 am

Acolyte Training for Children of All Ages!

Sunday, August 18, 2024
12:00 pm2:00 pm
St Dunstan's Episcopal Church - 5450 Massachusetts Ave, Bethesda

What is an acolyte and what do they do? This question is asked often in the Church - especially when someone new comes in and wonders who that is carrying the cross, or lighting the candles, or even carrying the torches. What are the torches? What is the alms basin? So many terms and questions!

Join me at one of the trainings and learn about this important ministry of the Church. Give me a call or email to register. Again, there is no commitment being made, just fellowship and training.

These trainings are identical in nature; you only need to attend one. Even if you aren’t sure about being an acolyte, please come to see what it’s all about! Taking the training does not mean you are saying "yes" to serving in this role. Lunch will be provided.

Hope you'll join us!
Donna Stinchcomb, Interim Children's Minister


Tuesday, August 20, 2024
11:00 am12:00 pm
St Dunstan's Episcopal Church


What: An informal support group for seniors as they reflect on their new identities as persons whose lives are necessarily changing as “The Calendar” brings new challenges, new perspectives, new limitations, and, most importantly, new opportunities.

Why: Life brings changes to all of us. Roles, activities, and responsibilities that gave us satisfaction and identify–or difficulty–fade away, opening opportunities for new engagements that satisfy our needs for community, spirituality, and exploration. Sometimes, those changes also bring limitations– physical, mental, and logistical–that require personal re-orientation and creative thinking. Although each of us experiences these things alone, exploring them with others often develops perspectives that we might not easily achieve otherwise.

Who: We are especially interested in those who are fully retired, especially those whose responsibilities and roles have changed, leaving them with new questions about how they are finding meaning in their lives.

Prayers for Peace and Healing

Tuesday, August 20, 2024
12:00 pm12:30 pm
Via Zoom or Facebook - Please check the Newsletter

Bible Study (Zoom)

Wednesday, August 21, 2024
10:30 am11:45 am
On Zoom

No preparation or previous Bible Study experience is necessary; we all learn from each other.

Come and see!

Chancel Choir Camp

Friday, August 23, 2024
10:00 am4:00 pm
St Dunstan's Episcopal Church - 5450 Massachusetts Ave, Bethesda

Come and join us. New members welcome!

Friday, August 23rd, 10-4pm

St. Dunstan’s Episcopal Church, 5450 Massachusetts Avenue, Bethesda, MD, 20902

Bring water, a pencil, and a yoga mat (let me know if you need one) $25.

For further details and registration, please contact Minister of Music, Diane Atherton at

Children's Choir Camp

Saturday, August 24, 2024
10:00 am4:00 pm
St Dunstan's Episcopal Church - 5450 Massachusetts Ave, Bethesda

You are invited to join Miss Diane for a day of musical fun!
Learn new songs and make new friends.

Fee: $25/singer
Email Diane at for registration form.

Please bring your own lunch.

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