We offer a wide range of programs and services to meet the needs of those affected by our cause.
We help them and their families by providing programs, information and resources to assist in their journey. We also help by raising awareness through public outreach and media.
This August you have several opportunities to share the love of Christ with our local and international neighbors.
Thank you, in advance. for your generosity!

Bishop Walker School Library Wishlist
The Bishop John T. Walker School for Boys is a 100% tuition-free Episcopal school for children from historically underserved communities. The Bishop Walker School seeks to foster a love of learning, intellectual curiosity, a spiritual foundation, and the moral character that each boy will need as a student, a citizen, and a child of God.
St. Dunstan's is a longstanding supporter of The Bishop Walker School, and we hope to deepen that relationship further in the coming academic year.
To donate one or more books to the BWS Library, please click the button below:
Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by doing that some have entertained angels without knowing it. ~ Hebrews 13:2
The St. Dunstan’s Refugee Ministry is excited to announce that we have created a Sign-up Genius to make donations of household items and/or money to support the Afghan family that will be relocating to Bethesda!
Making donations is simple! Here are the steps:
- Mark the items or $$ you can donate using Sign-up Genius. (Please click on the button below)
- Wait to be contacted by Fred Bentley (fbentley14@gmail.com) or someone else from the Refugee Ministry to coordinate a pick-up/drop-off.

PLEASE NOTE: The State Department has not yet let Syed, Elyas, and Erfan know when their family will be arriving. Also, St. Dunstan’s doesn’t have extra space to store items until the family arrives. So, please be patient with us as we coordinate with you on pick-up /drop-off!