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Welcoming the Stranger

"I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me." ~ Matthew 25:35


St. Dunstan’s has expanded its ministry to assist refugees and immigrants in response to the growing crisis in America.  Because the problem of refugees and immigrants coming from the southern border as well as from Afghan refugees is so large and the political intransigency of the issue so difficult, St. Dunstan’s and its neighborhood seek to help where possible.


In the last year, St. Dunstan's has helped one refugee family, who came from Kabul in one of the last flights out of Afghanistan.  We celebrate the progress that this family has made through their energy and determination, as well as the support from St. Dunstan's.   The family has also been trying in many ways to give something back to the community and to support themselves.  For example, one of the nephews has organized with other Montgomery County High School students to tutor young girls still in Afghanistan online so that they can receive academic credits.


St. Dunstan's ministry has included a number of events and outreach.  We have funded their legal expenses as they apply to stay in this country, but we have also assisted the boys in the family to join Montgomery County Soccer, which was an important contribution to their becoming part of the community.  St. Dunstan's has also held discussions after Sunday service with the family, as well as with immigration experts and Montgomery County officials serving on the state immigration settlement interagency task force. These discussions have helped all understand more about the issue, the need, and how to help.


To contribute, please send a donation of any amount to the Parish Office, noting “Refugee Ministry” on your check. In addition, if you would like to attend future outreach events and discussions of these issues, please contact Refugee Ministry Coordinator Pat Waldo.

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