Service and Justice Forum: Education Equals Hope (E=H)
E=H exists to provide a holistic approach to education of those living in desperate and difficult situations. They offer educational support for children, teens, and adults and work to provide educational resources for entire communities in regions of our world that have suffered from poverty, crisis, and natural disaster. E=H is currently giving hope to children in Costa Rica, Haiti, Ecuador, Kenya, and Rwanda. Since 2009, they have given hope to over 11,000 students around the world. St. Dunstan's supports E=H annually through both parish Outreach grants and individual donations.
Please join us on June 9, when we will hear how we can support E=H from Mildred J. Reyes. Mildred is the Missioner for Latino/Hispanic Ministries and Diocesan Initiatives in the Episcopal Diocese of Washington.
This is the fifth in our series of six Service and Justice Forums.