Accepting Donations for the Online Auction
Coming this Fall – ONLINE AUCTION - October 6th to October 21st
We need your participation!
Click here to submit your donation:
Beginning October 6, St. Dunstan’s will launch our first-ever online auction fundraiser! For two weeks you’ll be able to bid on items from your phone or other device and there will also be the opportunity to easily make a donation. Proceeds will support St. Dunstan’s ministries and community outreach
For this to be successful, we’ll need EVERYONE’S participation, including children!
The auction will only work if there are donations that our parishioners want to bid on, things that are fun or particularly helpful. Some examples might include:
A gift card from your favorite restaurant
A gift card for a spa day
Tickets to a concert or theater performance
Tickets to a sporting event
A theme dinner (maybe Italian or French) for six
An hour with a personal trainer
Babysitting so parents can have a date night
A couple of hours of leaf raking
Dog Walking
Car washing
An event you are passionate about and would like to share with others, like a cooking demonstration, an art activity, a walk in nature teaching about mushrooms...
Please note that no material things for a donation will be accepted.
These are just some ideas – please think about what you or your family might donate and fill out the form with your donation.
If you have questions, please contact parish administrator Elisabeth Saidi
Donations will be accepted now until October 2.
Thank you for joining in!!!